„Yes, I definitely think Hellwitch pushed the envelope when it came to complicated technical riffs. In fact, it was a little too much for many people who came to shows.”

Tommy, before you joined Hellwitch around 1989, you played in Vacant Grave, can you give us any informations regarding this band? Vacant

„We had this idea that aside from the Hirax songs, Scott, Bob and myself would write one song each and Rob would complete them with his lyrics. Scott wrote Peace in Anarchy, Bob wrote Crutch and I wrote Assemble the Dead. The music is heavier, tighter and a little more complex than early Hirax in my opinion.”

a conversation with singer Rob Perkins and bassist Gary Monardo about this year’s album Raging Violence, their new project launched in 2013.

„Volt egy olyan ötletünk, hogy a Hirax dalokon kívül Scott, Bob és én írunk egy-egy dalt, amit Rob kiegészít a szövegeivel. Scott írta a Peace in Anarchy-t, Bob a Crutch-ot, én pedig az Assemble the Dead-et. A zene szerintem nehezebb, feszesebb és kicsit összetettebb, mint a korai Hirax.”

Beszélgetés Rob Perkins énekessel és Gary Monardo basszusgitárossal a 2013-ban indult új zenekaruk, a Raging Violence idei albumáról. Rob/Gary, mielőtt a Raging

„Hmmz. I think the album gets a bit weaker towards the end; I think it was a bad decision to end it with 2 instrumental songs and then have ’The Meaning Of Life’ as final/bonus song on the CD version. So the album burns out like a candle.”

Thanatos’ Emerging from the Netherworld album is 35 years old, and our colleague talking with Stephan Gebedi to about it Stephan, is