„Utolsó gondolatok Cliffről: Cliff jó barát maradt, hiába túl korán távozott tőlünk. Mondott néhány dolgot a Metallicának adott interjúkban, ami nem érdekelt a Traumával kapcsolatban, de megértettem, hogy kezdett frusztrált lenni a Trauma zenei iránya miatt, mielőtt kilépett.”

Michael, a Trauma 1981-ben alakult, te és George „Tiger” Lady gitározott, Dennis Schaefer dobolt, Cliff Burton basszusgitározik és Donny Hillier énekelt benne.

„Final thoughts on Cliff: Cliff remained a good friend after he left us too soon, he said some stuff in interviews with Metallica I didn’t care for about Trauma, but I understood he was getting frustrated with Trauma’s musical direction before he left”

Michael, Trauma was formed in 1981, with you and George „Tiger” Lady on guitars, Dennis Schaefer on the drums, Cliff Burton on

„We had no idea there was another Aftermath in Arizona back in the 80’s . If we did we would have never used the name. Remeber this is before Google.”

Interview with singer Kyriakos „Charlie” Tsiolis on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Aftermath’s Eyes of Tomorrow album. Charlie, being based